The next following three weeks are slightly different than the other 2 week projects we have been given, we were each given a specific outcome related to our field ie product or architecture. The project aims to test our knowledge of expertise, processes and techniques used during the course so far.
As soon as I was given the task of creating something using plastic bottles i think i was a little startled because it was different as im normally given a product to design. This project allows for deeper research and the filed into which im researching it a lot larger. In a sense that's brilliant but sometimes it can be too much to deal with. Furthermore what I immediately liked was the idea of having a project that concerns the environment and the future generations.
The coca cola picture was my idea, I started collecting plastic wrappers and changing the colour to green to represent the "go green". The 6'rs are also there,as these play an important role.
Research into controversial topics
I liked and researched into this instillation.
The Giant fish sculptures are jumping out of a beach in Rio De Janiero, and they're made from entirely plastic bottles. The actual scale of the sculpture was made by lining up hundreds of clear plastic bottles, giving the fish a shimmery scale effect. The fish glitter with the reflection of the suns rays, juxtaposition against a beautiful backdrop of Rio.
Aside from the beautiful and surprising instillation on the beach, the plastic sculptures also symbolize the threat of over consumption on out ecosystem, especially on the marine life. Each the day the world consumes epic proportions with many being disposed on landfill.
This page again is research into existing plastics that we use on an everyday basis for example PET, PVC, HDPE, LDPE, and polypropylene. What I do need to look at is Bio Polymers in more detail. But for now more plastics we use are in some way shape or form chemically resistant.
- impact resistance
- flexible
- good moisture barrier
- naturally translucent What we forget about plastic and its capabilities is that liquid cant get in or out and this I hope to experiment with later on in the project.
Book Research
"The eco living handbook and the eco design handbook"
Evolution of my week
I think the material I got given was a really interesting one, and a controversial one if that, plastic nowadays is evolving and changing. Geoff I think purposely gave me a wide brief allowing me to really experiment.
I have learnt over the past week that I should be more aware of the plastics I use and chuck out, one tends to ignore the problem, but one can do there bit.
The research stage I always find hard as my brief is so wide therefore I didn't nowhere to start. As a perfectionist I find it hard to do all this messy research it annoys me when it doesn't look right but this is only a minor difficulty for me. On the whole this week has been a great stepping stone.
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