Monday, 3 February 2014

Jewellery A2 pages and final pictures

Initially the lizard was only in one colour due to the expense of acrylic, the design graphic shop in London luckily had some in stock. I did quite a few mock tests on cheap acrylic to see if the pattern came out ok, and if the hole for the wire was big enough. 

How did you get on with your given task/s? 
I found the task and enjoyable one but quite stressful one too, but it was definitely worth the aggro using the laser. what i struggled with was the file on illustrator the animal pattern had to be put into the outer design and fit nicely in order for the laser to recognize it.  But this was sorted out and using the laser was an easy process. I had used it for many other projects to wasn't the first time.

What feedback did you get from others (student and staff) - how did this feedback help the 
development of your work? 
Ellie was my client, She said at the end of the project how did you come up with the animal idea, I would say that's the only problem, I just went with an idea rather than doubting myself, therefore it was kinda a leaf of faith.  I did research thought and from that did realist animal jeweler is underestimated because of the animal used, so I just rolled with the idea. I think its quite attractive but quirky. 

What have you learnt
 from the overall tasks? 
Over the 2 weeks I learnt that speaking to the client and getting that vital feedback is the most important thing in order to improve the product . 

What aspects of your work were you not happy with and why is this? 
I wasn't happy with the timescale I ended up spending a week and a half in the rapid prototype room laser cutting. Laser cutting is such a lengthy process because the lasers are shared.  I don't think the chain used is one I would use, so in the future  changing this would be on my list. 

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