The pictures at the bottom are there for fun, I wanted to show that the world is now within our hands and that we will need to take action in order to help slow the process of global warming.
The initial ideas are very abstract meaning using plastic it would create a curved form which would give off a atmospheric light. I used plastic cups to make my product.
Step by Step:
- get 8 cups and sellotape them together joining the tops and bottom together
- staple them making sure the staple reaches the other side
- get loads more and keep adding to the middle
- work your way round stapling cups until big enough
What I found hard? I really struggled making a model for the project before I came up with the light idea, the initial ideas of the bottles with the message inside was hard to portray well enough inside a bottle. I did try and make them but they just looked messy and didn't represent the powerful message about the environment.
What i found easy ? I loved making the light I sat down all day and just stapled It wasn't a planned thing I just started to make and this shape formed.
what could i improve?
Next time try and stick with an idea and see it through, I gave up on the other initial ideas because they were too hard to portray.
What do you think was successful about your image/work and why is this?

My research started looking at sculptural pieces that sent a message to the people living there. The one that caught my eye was a designer had collected all the plastic bottles washed up on Rio beaches in 1 year and made 2 massive fishes out of them. This is using art to make a political and environmental impact.
Message in a bottle? Idea 1
This ideas was fascinating to me, as a young person me and my generation are the ones going to have to be dealing with global warming and coming up with prevention's. I then went on to design "peoples worlds" inside a bottle. By this I mean the bottle would represent the world and it being trapped in time by this global warming which cant be solved. The inside would be a mound of rubbish getting higher and higher as pollution and rubbish was chucked out.
Light Idea 2
What have you learnt from the overall tasks?
I have learnt that doing 2 projects in one wasn't a bad thing, I was just stuck and moved on.
The light project was just a change of plans, my previous idea was too technical for me to properly portray he environmental message it needed to be successful . I did 2 projects in one which was stressful for me but because the first project was of an interest to me it wasn't hard in that sense.